Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Great and Terrible Beauty (book review)

A Great and Terrible Beauty, by Libba Bray, is the story of Gemma Doyle. Gemma isn't like other girls, in more ways than one. You could say that she's a rebel, not always willing to sit back and do what she's told. And she's also prone to visions.

When Gemma's mother is brutally murdered in India, Gemma is sent to Spence Academy in London. She's treated like an outcast at first, but she manages to make a few friends. Then, in her art class, she learns about a shadowy women's group called the Order, who presumably deals with magic. Gemma and her friends decide to make their own Order, and soon they have magic power beyond their dreams. At first they're simply having fun. But then things begin to go horribly wrong. A deadly beast stalks their every move, and the girls' incredible powers start to spin out of control!

I absolutely LOVED this book! The fantasy, horror, and historical elements spin together and weave the perfect tale. I didn't want to put it down! I bought the sequel last night, Rebel Angels, and I hope to read it soon!

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