Thursday, January 01, 2009

Joining the Graphic Novels Challenge

I am excited to say I am joining YET ANOTHER challenge today, the Graphic Novel Challenge hosted by Laza. I don't have the exact list yet, but I know I will be doing the Minor level with 6 books. I can't wait to start!


Ana S. said...

I'm excited about doing this challenge too. I look forward to seeing what you'll read.

chrisa511 said...

I'm in this one too Annie! I just couldn't pass it up. I'm mega impressed that you're doing the 999 challenge...I seriously don't think I could do that one :p I didn't even read 81 books this year! Love your categories for that one too.

Anonymous said...

I am joining in on this one. I've never read a graphic novel, so this should be interesting.